As the owner of an IT MSP in the Atlanta area, I hear horror stories about people losing data too often to want to think about. We always strongly recommend data backups to our clients so that they don't have to face that loss and the financial costs that come with it. My opinion and advice for businesses or even hobbies that incorporate large amounts of data is to ALWAYS have a data backup, preferably including an offsite copy.
I have heard so many stories of businesses losing important data that I simply cannot understand why they don't have data backups as an integral part of the regular business plan. But even for personal stuff (like wedding or baby photos) or hobbies, like music and video recording, backups are needed. And they are needed to run in a way that you don't even have to think about. The video in this blog is about the importance of data backups and a few ideas about how to go about getting the software or service to perform them and even an example of one piece of software and storage location that might work for you.
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